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05 - 12 March 2020 - Kristina Chimbaraite

A-LONEliness is a storytelling project aimed to raise awareness and start a conversation about loneliness - the state mostly associated with elderly people, or those physically isolated. In reality, we are all affected to a different extent, and loneliness doesn’t necessarily have a particular age or face. In fact more and more young people are facing this issue today. With the racing speed of our daily life and social media pressure to have a perfect life we forget to connect with ourselves and people around.

Behind every portrait there’s a personal story that breaks the taboo to speak openly about experiencing and overcoming the state of loneliness. People from different countries shared their unique stories through one-on-one conversations which are collected on a web page dedicated to the project, which is going to be launched on the exhibition opening day.

A-LONEliness is an ongoing project which means that more stories will be collected and shared through texts, videos and photographs.

This event was part of the long-term volunteering project offLINE – FROM VOLUNTEER TOWARDS EMPLOYED (2018-2-BG01-KA125-048205) co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Smokinya Foundation is coordinator of the project.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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