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25 September - 12 October 2021 - prof. Tsocho Boyadzhiev solo exhibition

We are allowed to enter one of Tsocho Boyadzhiev's refuges - his photographic world, a world that he inhabits inimitably, delicately and with admirable humility.

Asylum is an explanation in love.

To the wisdom of the Creator who sheltered people.

And to the surprises of the world created by humans.

To their ordinary, everyday life with the unadulterated details of its ordinary everyday beauty.

Each of the presented photographs is a shared experience, each of them is a careless touch of the big picture of life.

Asylum is an explanation in love for the Man.

The photographic exhibition of Prof. Tsocho Boyadzhiev "Asylum" will be opened on September 25 in the gallery KO-OP in Sofia and will last until October 12. Two premieres will take place during the exhibition. The book "Conversations about the photographic art" by Nikolay Treiman and Tsocho Boyadzhiev will be presented. The premiere of the video story from the series "Photo Figures", dedicated to Prof. Boyadzhiev: "Tsocho Boyadzhiev. A moment of many times.

The date of the opening was not chosen at random. September 25 is the birthday of Tsocho Boyadzhiev, who will turn 70 this year.

The eighth FotoFabrica Festival is part of the Calendar of Cultural Events of Sofia Municipality for 2021.


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