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Shot Down In Mid Flight

27 January - 20 February 2022 - Teodor Genov solo exhibition

Opening: 27 January, 6 PM

About the exhibition:

In his first solo exhibition Shot Down In Mid Flight, Teodor Genov pays attention to the productivity in art, or more precisely the lack thereof. Dealing with the creative block, the pressure driven by the expectations that stand above us all, the fear of failure, and the fear of missing any opportunity are themes that come across throughout the exhibition. In that sense, we can say that the exhibition examines the counter-effect of our sick ambition to always stay as good, strong, and hard-working as we can.

The high expectations are a reality in each aspect of life as we remain observed closely from an infinite pair of stalking eyes and scrolling fingers. It is expected that we remain productive, stress-free, dynamic, and adaptive. Having work experience before an actual job interview is now something common that the market based economy expects from us.

And the artists have to act quickly. Exhibitions, collectors, residencies, competitions, catalogs. The necessity of having a constant flow of productivity and inspiration.

But what happens when you lose your rhythm and you get off the Ferris wheel for a second?

Then comes procrastination. Or the so-called stretched moment of time of doing nothing and feeling weightless. The moment when all the doubts, pressure, and fears impact your physical self and become arduous.

In his first solo exhibition Shot Down In Mid Flight Teodor Genov tells us first-hand about the process of self-sabotaging, unproductivity, and procrastination (driven by the post-/pandemic or not).

About Teodor Genov:

Teodor Genov (b. 1995) studied animation cinema and currently lives and works in Sofia, Bulgaria. He loves provoking the surrounding environment with his playful characters and looks at the world as his playground.

This attitude of his has led to several group exhibitions such as “Cheap As Chips” – a duo show and book launch together with Aleksandra Georgieva (Sa6ettu) at 167 Gallery, Sofia. At the beginning of 2019, he took part in Art Start 2019 – a yearly group exhibition that showcases emerging Bulgarian artists, in the beginning of summer 2021 he took part in the Symposium for contemporary art, Blagoevgrad through an invitation by Sasho Stoitzov. He also participates in various group shows.

Selected exhibitions/works:


Generator Invites: Urbanites/Generator Sofia;

TI-RE: Buchschmuck + Paragraph/Goethe-Institut Bulgarien;

“The Other Graphics” – Ethnographic Museum of Berkovitsa;

Urbanites: Introducing (vol. 1) Day One/BOLD Showroom – Pop-up exhibition with Aleksandra Georgieva;

CHEAP AS CHIPS/167 – solo exhibition with Aleksandra Georgieva/Sa6ettu;

TI-RE: Buchschmuck + Paragraph, National Palace of Culture;


Art Start 2019: Tomorrow always comes;


Fine Acts – Spring of Hope; Hate Speech;

KO-OP – Illustration Pop-Up vol. 2;

Appointment/DOBRAVAGA, Ljubljana;


KO-OP – Art Start Editions;

Little Bird Place – Screen Print With Me;

KO-OP – Undervalued Goods;

City gallery Blagoevgrad – Symposium for Contemporary Art;

Plovdiv – Onomatopoeia

The project is implemented with the financial support of the National Culture Fund.


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