Space strawberries, roads in the sky, parallel universes, intergalactic travel, and instead of fuel — tree leaves. What does the future of Sofia look like in the imagination of its youngest residents?
Kalina Tchobanova, Plamen Staykov, David Radoslavov, Elena Dramova, Danail Radoslavov & Boris Pramatarov.
National Gallery Kvadrat 500
Boris Pramatarov was born in 1989. He is a Bulgarian Visual Artist based in Belgium, BA in Book and Printed Graphics at National Academy of Arts, Sofia (BG) and MA in Graphic Art (obtained with Great Distinction), Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK), Ghent (BE).
He has specialized illustration at Duksung Women University, Seoul (KR) and Sint-Lucas School of Arts, Ghent (BE). He is author of the artist's books: "My Demons" (2012, South Korea), "Doppelgänger" (2013, Sofia), "Amygdala" (2013, UDA, Paris), “Cherophobia” (2015, E2& L'Appât, Brussels), “The Observer” (2016, Le Dernier Cri, Marseille); “The Observer 2” (2017, Brussels), “Insects' Secrets” (2018, Brussels), “Etomon” (2018, E2 & L'appat, Brussels). His comics “A Short Story About Communication / Love” is the winner of Fumetto World Comics Competition, Luzern 2017. His illustrations have been published in The New York Times, De Standaard (BE), Capital (BG) and he has made drawings for Volcom (Amsterdam), Dr. Martens (Ghent) and EXE club Sofia.
National Gallery Kvadrat 500
The National Gallery, which was established in 1948, is the largest art museum in Bulgaria, with over 41,000 paintings, sculptures, graphics, decorative and contemporary artworks. It has the richest collection of Christian art from the Bulgarian lands (4th–19th centuries), boasts some of the highest achievements of the Bulgarian masters from the National Revival to the present day, along with exemplars of European art (15th–20th centuries), and unique artworks from Asia, Africa, and America
In accordance with contemporary trends and practices, the National Gallery defines its mission as a museum open to the public, which preserves, studies and enriches the national collection of Bulgarian and foreign art for present and future generations.

Current exhibitions:
17/08/2021 — 17/10/2021
Curator: Tomáš Koudela
Curatorial cooperation: Yana Bratanova, Tereza Čapanová, Jan Melena
Upcoming exhibitions:
05/10 — 07/11/2021
For the second time, the National Gallery provides its exhibition spaces for artists from all over the world, who show their works in the largest and most professionally oriented event in Bulgaria, dedicated entirely to art glass and with the mission to promote intergenerational continuity. Young artists, alongside internationally renowned authors.